Emotional literacy for schools and kindergardens
Institute for psychotherapy and counselling of children, youth and family carries out a project called “Emotional Literacy – Development of socio-emotional skills in school and kindergarten.”
Emotional Literacy Project focuses on educating teachers and educators about the importance of developing emotional literacy in children, and the ways in which emotional intelligence in children is learned and developed. Through interactive workshops, the project also focuses on developing emotional literacy of teachers and educators, in order to develop greater satisfaction with themselves and their job, reduce stress associated with work or personal life, and build a positive working environment.
Although emotional intelligence and its importance to the academic, social and personal success in the world is well-known, in Croatia there is no continuous education of employees of schools and kindergartens about ways to encourage and develop social and emotional skills in children. Furthermore, there is even less education meant for professionals that focuses on the importance of developing their own emotional literacy, since their daily lives are directly involved with working with children. Such training aims to improve the climate in school and pre-school institutions, which has a positive influence on childrens’ satisfaction and academic success, as well as the employees’ satisfaction, reduction of stress and undesirable behaviors in children.
Emotional intelligence refers to our ability to control aspects of your life associated with emotions. Dr. Daniel Goleman, American psychologist